
OSC-W Events

We are organising regular events at WUR and in collaboration with other institutes, OSCs and initiatives. Here you find an overview of upcoming and past events.

Please click on the events below for further information on the date and time, location and for signing-up.

Upcoming events

    27 November at 12:00
    Open Source software workshop

    Software as a Lab and Financing and partnership opportunities. We all recognize the advantages of open-source software in science and engineering. However, it has proven to be difficult to allocate time or to finance new staff for this endeavour.
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    23 November at 12:00
    Interactive lunch seminar: code standardisation and code peer review

    Do you sometimes struggle with reproducing someone else’s code or understanding the code you wrote yourself a few months ago? You are not alone. Modern-day scientists increasingly rely on code to wrangle, visualise, and analyse data, but these codes are often not free of hurdles and not readily applicable to your own data.
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