June 2023

Dear Open Science Community,

Welcome to the June edition of the OSC-W newsletter! In this newsletter, you can read about upcoming events, such as the 4TU roadshow, the WUR Bioblitz, and more Open Science-related news.

Upcoming events

14-06-2023: Roadshow 4TU – How to publish your research data

Learn about publishing your research data, including guided dataset upload! The programme consists of demonstrations and hands-on practising with your dataset. For more information, and the schedule and location per science group, see our website.

14-06-2023: An expedition to the WUR microcosmos

Hunt down microbes in the microcosmos, and learn about Open Hardware microscopes. This expedition is part of the Wageningen Diversity Challenge (Bioblitz). The expedition will start by gathering water and soil samples from various locations across the campus. Afterwards, we will examine the samples with state-of-the-art Open Hardware microscopes. For more information, see the OSC-W website.

Results survey

Some time ago, we sent out a survey to WUR and NIOO to gain insight into the Open Science landscape at the institutions. The results are currently being analysed and compared to the results of Utrecht University. We’ll be able to show you the definitive results soon.

Any suggestions?

If you happen to have any suggestions for events that you would like to be organized or if you maybe have ideas for topics that you’d like to get more information on, feel free to let us know at osc-wageningen@wur.nl.

31-08-2023: National Open Science Festival Rotterdam

Get ready for the third edition of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival! After last year’s successful event with over 300 visitors, this year the festival will be held at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Like the previous editions, the festival revolves around sharing knowledge and peer learning: it is aimed at active researchers from universities (of applied sciences), academic hospitals and research institutes in the Netherlands, and policymakers who enable Open Science practices to spread throughout the academic world. In several workshops and sessions, you will exchange experiences and learn about the current state of affairs regarding Open Science. These will all be in-person, as only the plenary sessions will be livestreamed. For more information, see opensciencefestival.nl.

Kind regards,

Marijke for OSC-W